Pipefy is a leader in Workflow Management
Pipefy is the easy-to-use alternative to ServiceNow you’ve been waiting for. Build, automate, and manage any type of workflow or process at a fraction of the cost.
Pipefy’s user interface is intuitive and straightforward, delivering the clarity needed for faster and easier adoption.
Pipefy implements more quickly than ServiceNow, easing the burden on IT teams and accelerating time-to-value.
Pipefy empowers everyday users to optimize any type of workflow. Start with a template or easily build a custom workflow.
See how we stack up against ServiceNow
Pipefy vs ServiceNow
See how we stack up against ServiceNow
Pipefy vs ServiceNow
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Customizable dashboards | |||||
User community to learn and exchange best practices | |||||
All features in one app | |||||
Designed for citizen developers | |||||
Free plan | |||||
No-code customizable workflows | |||||
Simple, flexible pricing | |||||
Quick to implement, fast time-to-value | |||||
An intuitive, no-code user interface helps users easily manage their own workflows. Business teams get all the tools they need to stay agile, while IT teams maintain control with permission management and security features.
Pipefy is ideal for HR, Finance, and IT workflows, as well as the custom workflows every business depends on.
Our team of solution architects and customer service specialists are here to deliver world-class support, exceptional customer service, and everything your team needs to succeed.
With community forums, self-help portals, and some of the fastest response rates in the industry, you can feel confident knowing we’ll be there for your team, every step of the way.