Increase efficiency and integrate end-to-end operations on a secure, no-code workflow and BPM platform
Request Management Software trusted by the world’s leading organizations
Build a sales funnel with the steps that work for your company, engage with leads and have full visibility of your sales and performance data.
Focus on people, not the process. Eliminate manual tasks, automate processes, and promote efficient communication with candidates and employees.
Get full control and visibility over your operations, automate work and engage with vendors, approvers, and colleagues.
Go beyond conventional automation to orchestrate processes and help teams achieve total digital transformation.
Colleagues, customers and partners make requests, and your team fulfills them. Now you control the workflow, so you can fulfill those requests quickly, correctly and reliably.
The back office spends too much time with repeated tasks. Smart automation reduces that overhead so employees can focus on the interesting work that adds the most value.
Process analytics shouldn’t require you to pull data. When work happens, data happens. With Pipefy, your team does the work and the reports build themselves.
Your ERP, AP, HRIS, or CRM systems were designed for stability, but your operations change daily. Pipefy helps you adjust gracefully to the daily changes to your business.
Do not manually load the output of one back-office system into another. If you can describe a process, from start to finish, Pipefy will be your low-code iPaaS connector.
Before Pipefy I was lost in
e-mails and other tools, trying to get my team’s work on track. Now I have all my workflows in a place that’s easy to use, fairly priced and gives me the possibility to create my processes the way I need.
Cristiano Machado
CEO at Amplifique-me
The greatest Pipefy benefits were improving communication, gaining velocity in the processes, and getting faster returns. Everyone knows at what stage each recruitment is and the HR team doesn’t have to follow up with several people all the time.
Milene Almeida
Business Partner at James Delivery
Today, we’ve reached an 89% increase in efficiency inside the team, and we’ve reduced lead time in the accreditation process by 50%. As a result, people from the team stop executing only manual tasks and can also handle other demands.
Jefferson Jean Rocha e Silva
Customer Onboarding and Accreditation Coordinator at Vindi
Pipefy has streamlined my customer onboarding process. Now I know exactly why a service is delayed, who is responsible for it, and the status of each customer. From a manager’s perspective, it provides great visibility.
Marcelo Bentivoglio
CEO at Banfox