Deadline and SLA tracking
Keep track of your time limits!

Keep close track of your deadlines and SLAs
Pipefy’s alerts feature exists to help you keep track of your processes standard level agreements. You can control how much time a card can stay in one phase or go through the entire process. By setting a due date you can also keep track of each task’s expected completion date or even setup a reminder for a follow-up. Pipefy offers three types of alerts:
Pipefy notifies you when a card is past its due date. You can also easily keep track of the overdue cards on a pipe: the date shown on the cards gets highlighted yellow when the due date is close and red once it’s past.
Late alert
Alert shown directly on the card when it’s exceeded the maximum lead time you’ve set for a specific phase.
Expired alert
Also shown directly on the card when the card exceeds the maximum lead time you’ve set for the entire Pipe.
Here’s how Pipefy allows you to keep on track
We're trying to decrease the time in app generation. We face an internal process change that made an app take up to 4 days to be published and, with Pipefy, we could track the lifetime of a card in each phase making it easier to see where the process have failed. Now deadlines aren't a problem and everything is up to date.
Carlos Oliveira
IT Operations Technician at Gaudium
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