
Need more autonomy than Pipedrive offers?

Stop struggling with inflexible Sales and CS workflows. Customize your workflows without a single line of code with Pipefy.

Trusted by 30k customers

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More automation capabilities

Use workflow automation in your favor. Combine 39 different possibilities with triggers and actions to complete manual tasks. Save time to focus on what matters: generate sales.

Flexible & Customizable

Not every sales process is the same. Unlike Pipedrive, Pipefy allows you to customize every step of your processes and keep improving them without any technical skills.

Standardize information handoff

Avoid lack of communication between teams. Standardize your sales flows and ensure an easy and automatic information handoff among Sales, CS and Finance (and others) teams.

Connect Pipefy to your
favorite software with ease

10 reasons why customers choose Pipefy over Pipedrive

Pipefy x Pipedrive

10 reasons why customers choose Pipefy over Pipedrive

Pipefy x Pipedrive
Customizable dashboards
User community
100% customizable flows
39 different types of automation
+500 apps integrations
Standardized handoffs between teams
Free plan
Scalable platform
Process templates gallery

See how customers aroundthe globe feel about Pipefy