<img src="https://assets-site.staticpipefy.com/production/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/pipefy_for_procurement-logo%402x.png" style="position:absolute; width:262px; height:34px; margin-top:-24px; margin-left:-16px;" />

From requisitions to payments, simplify purchasing with Pipefy

Integrate data, standardize intake, and organize workflows in a purchasing software that improves savings and makes time for more efficient sourcing.

Graphical representation of Pipefy's purchasing software with a man beside it

Complete purchasing process management with a G2 leader

Pipefy is the best solution on the market if you want something you can customize to your needs to take control of your procurement process.
Mauricio Rizzi
Customer Service and Procurement Manager at Samsonite
Pipefy is easy to use and flexible. It has databases, reporting, automation... A complete solution. Quality is guaranteed.
Luis Fernando Salazar Canas
Regional Manager at Infina Financial Services

Start orchestrating your procurement process now with free, ready-to-use templates