Product Overview
Pipefy enables managers to standardize and run complex processes and workflows through Kanban-style user experience, without need for IT knowledge, technical skills or professional services.

Every process in a company is called “Pipe” and is divided into stages or phases, following the Kanban method. Each phase is composed of cards which are the work items that they are managing. A card contains all the requirements that need to be specified, completed, or accomplished by members of the Pipe or external users (via Public Form). An example of a card is a product that an organization is purchasing for their office or an IT request. For the organization that is purchasing a product, the phases can include Request, Approval, Purchase, and Delivery – any phase or required items can be easily customized.

Find the perfect feature for your business process
Pipefy has many features, including Automation, SLA management, Advanced reports, Secure Database and many other powerful solutions. As a manager, you have the capability to automatically trigger an action if a predefined event or action is executed. For instance, when a new card is moved to the approval phase, a new card is automatically created within the same Pipe.

On its free template store, Pipefy offers a variety of pre-designed process templates developed to help structure your own processes, such as Task Management, Software Development, Sales Pipeline, Growth Hacking, Bug tracking, Helpdesk and much more.
In two years Pipefy has grown rapidly and is now used by managers at 15,000+ companies (including Visa, GE, Volvo, AB InBev, and Telefonica) in over 150 countries. Pipefy is backed by top-tier venture capital rms including Trinity Ventures, Founders Fund, Valor Capital, and Redpoint.
Some of its main process management features are: SLA tracking, automation, connections, process integration, automated emails, information database, and more.
Discover how Pipefy delivers efficiency
Flexible and Customizable
Create and customize workflows in hours. Our enterprise customers have seen huge ROI gains and very quick time to value by using Pipefy to model and manage workflows.

Process Owner Autonomy
Build workflows in real-time without requiring technical resources. This reflects in the ability of editing and customizing virtually everything related to your processes to match your company’s exact needs.

Integrate with other applications through two paths an open API or Zapier. It works on a trigger/action logic and allows you to create connections between web applications in minutes without the need for technical skills.

Real-time communication through the platform, avoiding long email exchanges and centralizing all communication threads related to the process. This allows teams to create workflows to collaborate with suppliers and clients, keeping clear track of SLAs in an auditable fashion.

Metrics around productivity, average lead time, and cumulative flow are pre-configured and available for all processes built in Pipefy.

Visual Management
Clear and intuitive view of the unique demands of each process stage, responsible parties, deadline proximity, and action tardiness.