Unlocking Efficiency in HR with Artificial Intelligence

Discover the potential of

Artificial Intelligence for Human Resources teams.


Sobhan Daliry CPO na Pipefy

About the event

Artificial Intelligence is one of the most discussed topics of 2023. According to Gartner, more than half (52%) of HR leaders are investigating opportunities to implement Generative AI in their operations.


AI has quickly established itself as an essential tool to modernize the Human Resources department, optimize processes, and support the entire employee management experience. 


In this webinar, we delve deeper into ways in which Generative AI is transforming people management and bringing greater efficiency to HR processes.

What we’ll cover:

Why you’ll care:

And best of all, the event is completely free!


Secure your spot and join the discussion on Artificial Intelligence’s potential to revolutionize HR!

Watch the session on-demand today!

Artificial Intelligence is one of the most discussed topics of 2023. According to Gartner, more than half (52%) of HR leaders are investigating opportunities to implement Generative AI in their operations.


AI has quickly established itself as an essential tool to modernize the Human Resources department, optimize processes, and support the entire employee management experience. 


In this webinar, we will delve deeper into ways in which Generative AI is transforming people management and bringing greater efficiency to HR processes.

  • The impact of Artificial Intelligence on HR
  • How HR departments have been applying AI
  • Proven benefits of AI for Human Resources
  • Main challenges introduced by the use of AI in the sector
  • Live demo: How to use Pipefy to implement AI in your HR
    • Talk to experts and understand how market-leading companies use Artificial Intelligence to eliminate manual and repetitive tasks, standardize the execution of processes, and increase the efficiency of their teams.

    • Understand how the AI virtual assistant can facilitate employee interaction with HR by offering an intuitive experience and a centralized hub for different types of information and requests.

    • Discover how to use AI chatbots to save resources and offer complete support 24 hours per day for your company’s employees.

    • Learn how to use AI data analysis to drive growth and strategic decision-making for your business.

    And best of all, the event is completely free!

    Secure your spot and join the discussion on Artificial Intelligence’s potential to revolutionize HR!